My relationship with English has never been very good, I started learning English at school and the truth only served to learn basic aspects of the language.
I never understood the importance of learning this language until I grew up and I realized that in much of the world it is used to communicate, so if I want to travel to another country where Spanish is not spoken, English is the correct language.

When I left school I thought that I would never have to learn English in a compulsory way, until I enter university. The year I entered university, my career had to pass compulsory four levels of English in undergraduate.
To be honest English in college I never liked, it makes me very nervous, mainly because they interact a lot between colleagues and if one does not know as much, as it is my case, you feel a lot of pressure to be at the level of your classmates and not get behind

In my case, I failed 2 times for lack of assistance because I always avoided going to class because I did not like it, but since it is a requirement to be able to graduate, I do not have any options.
This year, in both semesters I studied and approved the courses that I had pending and my experience has been much better than the previous ones, since I have studied the language more in order to feel prepared and not hate it.

But out of all my problems with English, I have learned to love in the last time and I am very happy to understand texts in English, or songs without having to use the translator.


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