After 40 years to close the carrer of Social Work in the Universidad de Chile, reopening in 2015.

My entry into the course was in this year, therefore I am part of the first generation after many years.

The curriculum consists of courses in the area of ​​social sciences, with a strong critical focus, likes

-Sociological theory (I and II)
-Social research methodology
-Planning and social management

And many others in addition to English and general training courses and the academic load is not very high, in general, 6 courses are taken per semester.

The study program lasts 5 years and is located in the faculty of social sciences of the University. the faculty has been reshaped in the last time since it was remaining small for the great amount of students that lodges

The program after the reopening has undergone many changes in the courses given, where topics have been added and others have been eliminated. if you asked me what changes I would make to the curriculum I would add more courses on methodological research and use of qualitative and quantitative programs analysis programs such as SPSS and atlas.ti

I would add more courses on methodological research and use of qualitative and quantitative analysis programs such as SPSS and atlas.ti

Finally, I want to say that I only have one year left to graduate and probably the generations that will enter later will have a more complete and less flawed study program


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