Hi everyone!

Although we all know that postgraduate studies increase the chances of finding a good job and increasing the salary, I really do not know if I want to continue studying when I finish university. When I'm new to Universidad de Chile, I always imagine myself studying for many years, but once I'm in, I just want to finish my career, and start working (?) maybe Haha

If I continue my studies, I would do it abroad, probably in Brazil, where social work (my future profession) has great exponents and has developed more deeply than in Chile, besides Brazil has a variety of public universities to choose from (50 to be exact) and more than 80 private.

On the other hand, in my career we have three options to graduate, the first is to take classes in other courses of the university (3 per semester, besides the professional practice), the second option is to do a magister and the third is a diplomat. The option that I like most is to do the diplomat in "theories of social systems applied to sociocultural complexity" in the same university. This course aims to "deliver the main tools of the Theory of Social Systems for the description of contemporary social and cultural phenomena, addressing their basic concepts, their current developments and visualizing the possibilities of application in social research”
There are also other interesting graduates in this faculty to choose, the good thing is that I still have time:)


  1. I'm very glad that you come back to blogspot, Javiera aahahh. I'm tired of study too jajaja, but also interested in do some postgraduate study. What a complicate life ahah. Take care!!


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